Title: When I Fall Author/Artist: echoinautumn Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Slash, smut Prompt: Star Trek (AOS), Sulu/Chekov; frottage - adrenaline rush Word count: 1477
Title: First Author/Artist: echoinautumn Rating: PG-13 Warnings: non-explicit descriptions of sex Prompt: Star Trek (AOS), Sulu/Chekov: first times - More endearing than sexy Originally due November 6th Word count: 716
Title: Push It Author/Artist: echoinautumn Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Bloodplay, knifeplay, cutting, smut, slash, explicit sex Prompt: Star Trek (TOS), Sulu/Chekov; mirror!verse bloodplay - The agonizer was never enough Word count: 1,103